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Uncover the most important and latest document Stephen Hawking!

Uncover the most important and latest document Stephen Hawking!
Uncover the most important and latest document Stephen Hawking!

Recently published a document on the world, Stephen Hawking, dealing with the latest and most famous theories on the "Big Bang", but with some important changes.

"The universe is not complex, limited in size," says the world-renowned scientist in his document, where the document opens up new horizons in space science, as well as giving an opportunity to examine this recent and exciting claim closely.

The covert document is shared by the physical scientist Thomas Hertwig, who supports Hawking's view of the smallness and finite size of the universe. This, in turn, refutes many previous physical theories about the infinite size of the universe.

What is interesting here is the contradiction of Hocking's last proposition with some of his earlier theories, but the very proposition may help solve the cosmic mysteries Einstein failed to explain.

Uncover the most important and latest document Stephen Hawking!
Uncover the most important and latest document Stephen Hawking!
But the world has stuck to the principle of "big bang" theory, which speaks of the cosmic interaction that our solar system and other similar groups produced.


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