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Einstein's name has become synonymous with genius of the meaning (Getty)

Einstein's name has become synonymous with genius of the meaning (Getty
Einstein's name has become synonymous with genius of the meaning (Getty
March 14 / March 1879 in the city of Ulm, Germany, was born Albert Einstein -ochehr scientists Alhaddat- era in which his name has become synonymous with the meaning of "genius", although he failed to attend the Swiss Polytechnic Institute exam before they succeed in that in the following year at the age of 17 years.
Einstein graduated from the institute in 1900, and two years later became a junior staffer for patent examination in the Swiss patent office in Bern, where he majored in electrical appliances.
In 1905 Einstein's genius manifested itself in pompous image before age exceeds 26 years, to the point that the so-called "miracle year" for Einstein, is subject to the publication of four papers that changed the shape of physics to the form that we know today.
The four papers
Photoelectric effect, and this paper explains the photoelectric effect -oho rules of everyday electronics HADITHA practical applications such as television. And helped his paper this in allowing quantum mechanics by emphasizing that the light particle and a wave at the same time, and this work in particular has been granted Einstein later Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
"In 1905, Einstein's genius manifested itself in pompous image before the 27-year-old beyond, to the point that it was a miracle year"
Brownian motion, and the Einstein confirms that the particles in the liquid seemingly random movement (Brownian motion) are part of a predictable and measurable movement of atoms and molecules. This helped in the establishment of the kinetic molecular theory of heat. If you heat something the vibrating molecules inside. At the same time, Einstein gave unequivocal confirmation that the atoms and molecules exist in reality.
Special relativity, and this year also published Einstein's special theory of relativity. Prior to this theory was the time and place and mass absolute things, one for all, but Einstein showed that people are aware of the mass and space and time differently, but that this effect does not appear until the person starts to move almost the same speed of light. And there you will find, for example, that time in a spaceship moving quickly slows down, while the ship mass increases.
According to Einstein, the spacecraft that travel the speed of light will have infinite mass, the body which has the infinite mass also has infinite resistance to the movement, but this "can not be anything that is accelerating faster than the speed of light." Because of the special theory of relativity, now seen the light on the fact that the absolute values ​​of the mutant of space and time and matter.
Mass-energy equivalence, and provided this paper that the mass and energy Mtkavian, and this theory can be discerned in the equation E = mc2 known. This equation means that the energy (E) equals mass (m) times the square speed of light (c), which simply means that matter and energy are one thing. But nonetheless profound theory because the speed of light is a huge number, according to the equation can be a small amount of mass that turns into a huge amount of power .. similar to the atomic bomb.
But Einstein did not stop here, in early 1911 predicted that the light that passes near the huge mass-such as Star-may bend, an idea that led to the development of his theory of months, a general theory of relativity in 1916. The paper was founded modern gravity theory, and gave us the concept of "curved space". Wherein, for example, Einstein showed that small blocks-such Alkwakb- form what looks like dimples in space-time so that hardly affect the course of starlight, but huge chunks-such Alnujom- produces a curved measurable space.
The fact that the curved space around our sun can be "measured" prompted other scientists to prove Einstein's theory, in 1919, portrayed by two campaigns organized by Arthur Addington stars near the sun during the eclipse. The displacement of those stars have shown for the real positions in the celestial sphere that the sun actually attractive space to bend, so that the starlight that passes near the sun bends from the original track. This was confirmed by Einstein's theory of monitoring and made him a household name.
"Interestingly, the theories of Einstein contained elements not acceptable to himself, he was in some respects reluctant because a lot of breaks Newton / Maxwell's theories on which the work."
But interesting to Einstein's theories contained elements not accepted by himself, he was in some respects reluctant because a lot of breaks Newton / Maxwell's theories on which the work.
It is also some of the principles of quantum mechanics, such as the idea of ​​indeterminacy did not accept (Allataaan). But with the end of the twenties of this century, quantum mechanics has moved to the forefront of modern physics, however, Einstein did not fully accept a lot of new theories, came the famous remarks that "God does not play dice."
Besides the general theory of relativity proposed that the universe is expanding, either to shrink. But Einstein did not accept this idea, and that it is in the 1917 amendment "cosmic stability" in his theory, so as to make constant the universe. But in 1929 the American astronomer Edwin Hubble got the observational evidence that the universe is actually widen, thus Einstein was forced to revise his theory, and said that the introduction of "global stability," it was the biggest mistakes.
This side shows the personal Einstein's one of the reasons his legend and popularity wide, it has been able to this genius to imagine the universe mechanisms in ways that many people find us difficult even absorbed, and gave us his imagination answers to questions do not think most of us even to ask, but it was nevertheless prone to bias and weaknesses, because he was -such Bakatna- completely human.
Einstein carry dual Swiss and American, and he prefers to focus on his work and stay away from indulging in politics, to the extent that -oho Ehudaan- born to parents who had rejected an offer to take over as head of the State of Israel.
Died this world on April / 18 April 1955 in the US city of Princeton, New Jersey and has a 76-year-old, and left behind three sons, Edward and Hans and Astherl.
Source: websites


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