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8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry

You did not find your life partner yet? Do not feel sorry for you can adopt a cat or several cats, and you will be the winner in this case , 8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry stages:

8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry
Cat express her feelings clearly
1.Cats Do not try to play smart and mental games with you, if they want to on their own unique show you will simply  clear or scratch your hands, and when you want to return to the proximity that she could hug you simply.

8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry
The sound of snoring cats express his sense of security

2. Voice snore cats certainly a lot nicer than the sound of your spouse snore, the former expresses happiness and a sense of safety and gratitude to you, while the second expresses felt tired and fatigue or sinus problems or the status of sleep wrong at best.

8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry
Cat demanding its right to food clearly ..
3.If a cat wants something require of you very clearly, if he wants the food will hit the dish or Amu loud, and you can guess his needs simple, but with a husband or lover you need to brainstorm powers to guess what he wants or read between the lines in his hints and his words.

8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry
Cats love cleanliness

4. cats clean creatures instinctively, in contrast does not guarantee you to be your own on the same level of hygiene partner, especially if you're from people who really care about matters of hygiene.

8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry
Cats also love to participate

5. cats like to share your time and play with you , but if you ask your partner to sit down and watch a program or a film you love with you, you have to fight a real battle for it.
8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry
Just having cats around you reduce your stress

6. cats save you from feeling nervous, where science has proven that the mere presence of cats in the house can relieve your stress, and the cat feels your while to be in a poor psychological state and comes to Settle down and Hank, in contrast, may be the cause of your stress and increase your stress your partner.

8 reasons why the acquisition of a cat better than marry
Cat will not charge you for your absence by

7. cats will not bother you when let go a whole day and then come back, will not he shall besiege thee with questions from you and why  all this time and why preoccupied about me? Enough to leave her food and drink which will let you to live your life.

Preparing food for cats easiest task on earth

8. preparing food for cats is lighter than the breeze, all you need is a can of tuna and opener for longer adored her food, or buy her blow-dry food will not require you to be more than the reordering in the pot.


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